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Dear Entrepreneur, Business Owner and Practitioner,
Below You received SECRET information that can help you to get and raise capital at least $10,000
or more.
Depend of the package you have Paid you will get:
$300 - Money Rasing Secret Scripts + 2 Hours of Traning Support to Prepare for Raising Capital for your business or
$500 - Money Rasing Secret Scripts + 4 Hours of Traning Support or
$700 Money Rasing Secret Scripts + 6 Hours of Traning Support
FUND Busting SECRETS Part 1:
1.Fundbusting Script Samples ON THE PHONE
Scheduling a face to face meeting with someone you know (Phone Script sample language)
“Hi _______________, I only have a few minutes and I wanted to make sure I called you today to see if we could schedule some time to meet on __(day)_____________ at ___(time)_________am/pm at the ____(location)____________ at the corner of __(street name)_______and ______(street name)__________.
There are some transformations going on with my business I want to update you on and explore the possibility of your participation in our next steps.
Are you available to meet at that time?
Scheduling a face to face meeting with someone you don’t know well
Ms. ________________. I only have a few minutes, but I was wondering if we could schedule some time to meet on _______(day) _____________ at ___(time)_________am/pm at the ____(location)____________ at the corner of __(street name)_______and ______(street name)__________. You may not know this, but there are some transformations going on with my business. I would like to update you on what I’m doing because I value your input. I’d also like to explore the possibility of your participation in our next steps.
Are you available to meet at that time?
I’m going to be approaching some potential capital investors and I want to work on my language. I was wondering if I could practice with you and give me your feedback on how well I am making my presentation?
If they ask “Can we talk about it now?”
I really don’t have the time to go into all the details now. Like I stated I only had a few minutes and I wanted to be sure I got in touch with you today before your calendar booked up on ___(day) or _____. Are you available to meet at either of those times?
If they say “I’m not available at that Time”, reply
What does your calendar look like earlier/later in the day?
Introduction/ Warm up - Greeting– “____________________, thank you so much for sharing your time with me. I really appreciate it. I am very excited about something I've been creating in my life and I want to talk to you about it (You may like to ask questions to get feedback as to where the person is financially) –
“How are things going with business?” How did you look CD rates recently in bank? How did you like it? Did you keep any money on CD yourself? Do you know anyone who does?
Seek to understand their relationship with money. (This is not just small talk. This is helping you to know where they are.)
Laying your foundation – Your opportunity – Your Focus –
I Excited about this project and moving it to the next level, but I know I can’t do it alone. I’ve made a no matter what decision.
In doing my research, I was introduced to the world’s premiere business training and development organization. I’ve talked to their founder, as well as many of their members, and I know this is where I need to be.
I’ve committed to attending a weeklong MBA level CEO MEETING in _MARCH_ (month). While I am there, I’ll be going through intense MBA-level training taught by Fortune 100 coaches, trainers and executives.
More importantly, while I am there I have arranges to meet with management and business development experts, SEC attorneys who are going to help me structure and capitalize my business, potential CFOs, and industry experts.
What I am doing is putting together a high-powered and very experienced executive team that can take my business forward quickly and profitably.”
It’s coming up quick and I have come up a bit short. I will be able to spend one-on-one time with these professionals where they will be able to answer many of my questions.”
Your Situation/ Their opportunity:
“I am working to raise the capital to go to meet with these people. I’m looking for 4 to 5 angel investors to assist me.” (Know your audience.) and this is can be a great opportunity for you.
I can’t pass this opportunity up so I decided to reach out to speak with people I respect and admire, like you, and seek your assistance.
Your Offering:
“Let me tell you why you may find an interest in being one of my angel investors. (They will want to know –What’s in it for me?)
If you have money in the bank or in a CD you are most likely earning 1 to 3 % per year on your money.
I am making an offering, a business opportunity to you of 1 % per month. That’s 12% per year.
I will make payments on the first of the month for twelve months and retire the loan with final payment and all principle on the twelfth month.”
If you are in a position to assist me, I will offer you in a written promissory note for a short term loan for 12 months at a rate of 1% simple interest per month on any money you loan me.
The terms will also state that I will, on the twelfth month retire the loan by paying you the 1% interest plus the total principle on the loan.
It will be “First money in, first money out”, meaning that as soon as I am raising capital in my first full round of funding, the first money in will be used to pay you back.”
I can’t think of anywhere else you could put your money you can make that kind of return and know that your money is safe. (I always can provide you with 200% of services that benefit you or )
You have my word that I will be faithful to honor my commitment to you to pay you back no matter what.
Why it is good for them?
“I am sure you realize that this is more than _5 or 10_ times what you can get at a bank right now. After I retire this note, and my company is up and running and profitable.. Also, I need you to know that regardless of what your answer is, this will not affect our friendship (or relationship) in any way. I understand that business is business.
Your Request:
“So, how do you feel about being one of my angel investors? I want you to say yes! I really want you to be one of my angel investors. How do you feel about that?”
With that in mind, (say the name if the person) is there any portion of what I suggested that you feel comfortable assisting me with?
If it doesn’t end successfully, thank them very much for their time and let them know that your respect for them increased because they were willing to listen to your proposal.
Say something like this -
(Say the name if the person), If you recall I mentioned that I was talking to the people I admired and respected the most and I want you to know that I chose you from the people in my circle of influence and If you change your mind I will be honored if you call me back and support my mission transforming people's life.
You did exactly what you said you would do. You gave me your time.
If there is ever anything I can do for you just ask. It is an honor to know you!
Second Request:
Before your client leaves always ask: “Who else might you know that would be interested?”
Here are a few points to consider in your script as you speak to prospective partners in helping you get to the forum:
You will be receiving the value of better information to plan out the spring and execute a better business plan for this year by attending the March forum.
You will be receiving a superior business training on the most classic business fundamentals along with cutting edge business methods know to work today.
You will be gaining a new expanded national business network. This will be invaluable to you as you develop your business.
You will be gaining more customers or potential customers through this one week of networking than on your own if you don’t attend.
You will be acquiring critical resources that range from alliance partnerships to letters of intent for capital for your business.
Key considerations:
You are requesting funds as a personal loan NOT investments in your business. Therefore, it is best NOT to talk too much about the details of your business, after all everything will be changing upon your attending the forum.
Do your best not to use the word “need” as you make your presentation. There are many that believe that using the word “need” is a repulsive term when wishing to gain support.
Since you will have a difficult time explaining what CEO Space is, it would be best NOT to even go there. Remember, you are requesting a personal loan. You are going there to gain the best MBA level business training that you can get for the money all concentrated in an 8 day period.
You will be much more knowledgeable to speak when you return. Consider language that contains the 5 points above and keep it simple.
You can let your people know that you would be glad to sit down and talk with them when you return to let them know how much you gained from the forum experience and how you plan to use that which you have learned, the resources you have gained, the concepts in raising capital for your business, etc.
The reason you know the value of this program is greatly from hearing what others in the area have gained from attending the forums in the past. You don’t want to put it off. You want to begin your business growth acceleration… now.
For this to work…You have to make a no matter what decision. Walk it out. The path will unfold before you. You must first believe and then act upon it with unwavering faith that you will be there.
Introduction/ Warm up - Greeting–
“____________________, thank you so much for sharing your time with me. I really appreciate it. I am very excited about something I've been creating in my life and I want to talk to you about it (You may like to ask questions to get feedback as to where the person is financially) –
“How are things going with business?”
How did you look CD rates recently in bank?
How did you like it? Did you keep any money on CD yourself?
Do you know anyone who does Seek to understand their relationship with money. (This is not just small talk. This is helping you to know where they are.)
Laying your foundation – Your opportunity – Your Focus –
As you know I am a ______________________, and I have decided to take my services to the next level so that I can reach more people. I want you to visualize something with me.
I am totally committed to this project and I have made a "no matter what" decision to see it through to completion.
___________________, I have applied to and been accepted by the premiere entrepreneur and CEO training program in the country and I am committed to attending a week-long MBA refresher course. During this time I am meeting with some of the most prestigious legal and financial experts in the country to put together the team I need to make sure this project becomes a success. And __________________, I will not stop until this dream becomes a reality..
Now, I’ve Invested much of my own resources in this.
What I'm looking for now are 4 to 5 Angel Investors who can support me mission and wishing to invest $2500 - $3000 with minimum investment stating at $500 each and provide me the bridge capital I need to get my project moving to a position where I can start raising capital for my business.
This will be first money in, first money out. When I get my first investor, you are the first one that gets paid back. I anticipate this will take 6-9 months.
You can provide support by investing directly, making more than __5-10_ times what banks now pay, or you can use a credit card and when I repay the backing total we will have a settlement discussion for an interest level you agree is sufficient.
In a worst case scenario, the angels are being repaid in less than 12 months.
I can’t pass this opportunity up so I decided to reach out to speak with people I respect and admire, like you, and seek your assistance.
Your Offering –
“Let me tell you why you may find an interest in being one of my angel investors. (They will want to know –What’s in it for me?)
If you have money in the bank or in a CD you are most likely earning 1 to 4 % per year on your money. I am making an offering, a business opportunity to you of 1 % per month.
That’s 12% per year. I will make payments on the first of the month for twelve months and retire the loan with final payment and all principle on the twelfth month.”
If you are in a position to assist me, I will offer you in a written promissory note for a short term loan for 12 months at a rate of 1% simple interest per month on any money you loan me. The terms will also state that I will, on the twelfth month retire the loan by paying you the 1% interest plus the total principle on the loan.
It will be “First money in, first money out”, meaning that as soon as I am raising capital in my first full round of funding, the first money in will be used to pay you back.”
I can’t think of anywhere else you could put your money you can make that kind of return and know that your money is safe. You have my word that I will be faithful to honor my commitment to you to pay you back no matter what.
Why it is good for them?
“I am sure you realize that this is more than ____ times what you can get at a bank right now. After I retire this note, and my company is up and running and profitable.. Also, I need you to know that regardless of what your answer is, this will not affect our friendship (or relationship) in any way. I understand that business is business.
Your Request:
“So, how do you feel about being one of my angel investors? I want you to say yes! I really want you to be one of my angel investors. How do you feel about that?”
With that in mind, (say the name if the person) is there any portion of what I suggested that you feel comfortable assisting me with?
If it doesn’t end successfully, thank them very much for their time and let them know that your respect for them increased because they were willing to listen to your proposal.
Say something like this - (Say the name if the person), If you recall I mentioned that I was talking to the people I admired and respected the most and I want you to know that I think more of you now than I did before we had this meeting. You did exactly what you said you would do. You gave me your time. If there is ever anything I can do for you just ask. It is an honor to know you.
Second Request:
Before your client leaves always ask: “Who else might you know that would be interested?”
Three Approaches to Raising Capital using the Bridge Loan Concept:
Direct Approach:
I have been accepted into the greatest entrepreneurial school in the world. I’ve made a no matter what decision to attend. I am taking my business to a new level and need to learn how to raise capital. This is actually part of my training.
3rd Party :
I’ve made a no matter what decision, I’m going to be meeting with top trainers, top instructors in the world who can help me take my business to the next level.
I’m going to be approaching some potential capital investors and I want to work on my language. I was wondering if I could practice with you and give me your feedback on how well I am making my presentation?
I have made a no matter what decision to attend this forum. All I am looking for is your critique of my
approach, my language, not my decision to go for the training and business networking.
Assignment: I have been accepted into the greatest entrepreneurial school in the world. I’ve made a no matter what decision to attend. I am taking my business to a new level and need to learn how to raise capital. As my first assignment, I am not allowed to use my own funds. I must raise the capital to go to this school. They realize that if I am unable to raise this small amount of capital now, I will struggle raising larger amounts later as I become legally compliant and move to expand my business so there is no sense in even attending. This is like a prerequisite.
I spoke with more than 20 people who have now raised over $1 million for their projects who each started with fundbusting and then graduating to our capital raising process using our CE sets: . We know of many more who have raised hundreds of thousands and are now well on their way to raising their needed capital to launch their businesses.
You too, can join this group who are well on their way to being highly successful using this resources.
Keeping Your Appointments
It should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes
PREPARE to make your request
Pick 4 people to make appointments:
Four and no more!
If you get a yes the first time out, it will motivate you
If you get a no, don’t stop… those who will support you are out there.
If you get all no’s, then call your coach and review your script. You may need to revise your process.
Consider the following in your script to speaking to your “C” group if you are feeling that it may be difficult to directly speak to them as you start.
I would like to pass something pass you or
I would like to get your feedback or
I’d like to get your advice or
I would love for you to give me some assistance.
Remember the help that you are seeking is not for their opinion to do what you decided to do.
You have already made your mind up about that. You are not talking to them to have them talk you out of going… you are wanting them to give you feedback on your script language and presentation.
Keep this in mind:
The more you talk, the less likely they will invest in you.
Do not:
Get into describing your project in detail
Get into describing CEO Space
Do not say, “I need a few people to help me raise some money.”.
Rather, you should say, “I am looking for a few angel investors.” Do not use the word “need” in your script at all.
Sample to Set-up Fundbusting
Phone Meeting when it is impossible
to meet face to face
Hello, __________________________ this is (Your Name). Listen, I need to talk with you and show you something that’s going to happen for me in _________ weeks/days. I am totally excited about, and I think you will be too. Can we schedule a 15-minute telephone/email meeting on (tomorrow or Monday evening) after you’ve had time to unwind? OR (when you can be uninterrupted?)
If Yes:
What time will be better for you 7:00 or 8:00? (Give specific choices.)
If No: (Give other options or ask which day and time would be better.)
Ok, on __name of day at __time of day__ I will call you and you should be at your computer or have access online so I can email you. (Have your promissory note, scholarship form or other prepared to email to your prospective investor.
Is your email address still: repeat each letter/number to confirm?
OR Please give me your a current email address. (Repeat it to confirm.)
Great! I’ll be calling you and emailing you on __name of day again at ___time of day again. Thanks so much! Bye.
If no email address:
Great! I’ll be calling you on __name of day again at _time of day again.
We’ll talk and I’ll fax or mail you what I have to show you. May I have your have your fax/mailing address information? (Get the info. Repeat it to confirm) Thanks so much! Bye.
Sample Money Rasing Secret Meeting By Phone
Hello, (Person’s Name) this is (Your name). Thank you so much for meeting with me. I trust you are relaxed and feeling good?
(Skip if no email.)
Do you have access to your email? I’m sending you an email in a few minutes, but don’t open it until I tell you, ok?
(You can personalize your intro for the type of relationship you have with the person.)
(Family example)
(Name of relative) in our immediate family there has been a financial glass ceiling that none of us have been able to get through so far. Well, I’ve already broken it, and I’m ready to climb through to make the ceiling my glass floor.
(General sample)
(Person’s Name) , listen this is what I wanted to tell you. You’ve heard of American Idol or America’s Next Top Model right? Well, I’ve been approved to attend the American Idol of business development.
It’s called CEO Space, and I’ll be attending a week-long MBA level training and trade show in _________ weeks/days. I am about to take my business to the success fast-track through education!
Are you happy for me yet?/Are you with me? –
(Person’s Name), major companies and business professionals have gotten their start there – i.e., the authors of Chicken Soup for The Soul, the Spaghetti Factory, Piano Wizard. (Microsoft, Wal-mart, Starbucks, Target- Larry King, Oprah). CEO Space has been around for twenty years, and I heard about them last year (Name the Month) of this/last year.
(I personally have met and spoken with people who are currently benefiting in knowledge and income after completing the intense training at CEO Space.) If this applies
The trainings are done by CEOs and business owners of multi-million dollar companies. (Give examples as a VIDEO you can send by email) (Isn’t that great, (Person’s Name)?
Not only is there training, but there is networking with investors. Investors with money for business development capital come to CEO Space looking for businesses to invest in. I will have the opportunity to have lunches with attorneys and other professionals who will help me to build my success business team.
There is enormous support that will continue for life after I complete and graduate through this elite program.
Now this is where your support can come in (Person’s Name),
Will you help me take my business to the success fast-track? (STOP TALKING! DON’T SAY ANYTHING! LET THEM THINK AND RESPOND.)
Their response will indicate your next step.
I can’t pass this opportunity up so I decided to reach out to speak with people I respect and admire, like you, and seek your assistance.
Laying your foundation – Your opportunity – Your Focus –
As you know I am a ______________________, and I have decided to take my services to the next level so that I can reach more people. I want you to visualize something with me.
I am totally committed to this project and I have made a "no matter what" decision to see it through to completion.
___________________, I have applied to and been accepted by the premiere entrepreneur and CEO training program in the country and I am committed to attending a week-long MBA refresher course. During this time I am meeting with some of the most prestigious legal and financial experts in the country to put together the team I need to make sure this project becomes a success. And __________________, I will not stop until this dream becomes a reality..
Now, I’ve Invested much of my own resources in this.
What I'm looking for now are 4 to 5 Angel Investors who can support me mission and wishing to invest $2500 - $3000 with minimum investment stating at $500 each and provide me the bridge capital I need to get my project moving to a position where I can start raising capital for my business.
This will be first money in, first money out. When I get my first investor, you are the first one that gets paid back. I anticipate this will take 6-9 months.
You can provide support by investing directly, making more than __5-10_ times what banks now pay, or you can use a credit card and when I repay the backing total we will have a settlement discussion for an interest level you agree is sufficient.
In a worst case scenario, the angels are being repaid in less than 12 months.
I can’t pass this opportunity up so I decided to reach out to speak with people I respect and admire, like you, and seek your assistance.
Your Offering –
“Let me tell you why you may find an interest in being one of my angel investors. (They will want to know –What’s in it for me?)
If you have money in the bank or in a CD you are most likely earning 1 to 4 % per year on your money. I am making an offering, a business opportunity to you of 1 % per month.
That’s 12% per year. I will make payments on the first of the month for twelve months and retire the loan with final payment and all principle on the twelfth month.”
If you are in a position to assist me, I will offer you in a written promissory note for a short term loan for 12 months at a rate of 1% simple interest per month on any money you loan me. The terms will also state that I will, on the twelfth month retire the loan by paying you the 1% interest plus the total principle on the loan.
It will be “First money in, first money out”, meaning that as soon as I am raising capital in my first full round of funding, the first money in will be used to pay you back.”
I can’t think of anywhere else you could put your money you can make that kind of return and know that your money is safe. You have my word that I will be faithful to honor my commitment to you to pay you back no matter what.
Why it is good for them?
“I am sure you realize that this is more than ____ times what you can get at a bank right now. After I retire this note, and my company is up and running and profitable.. Also, I need you to know that regardless of what your answer is, this will not affect our friendship (or relationship) in any way. I understand that business is business.
Your Request:
“So, how do you feel about being one of my angel investors? I want you to say yes! I really want you to be one of my angel investors. How do you feel about that?”
With that in mind, (say the name if the person) is there any portion of what I suggested that you feel comfortable assisting me with?
If it doesn’t end successfully, thank them very much for their time and let them know that your respect for them increased because they were willing to listen to your proposal.
Say something like this - (Say the name if the person), If you recall I mentioned that I was talking to the people I admired and respected the most and I want you to know that I think more of you now than I did before we had this meeting. You did exactly what you said you would do. You gave me your time. If there is ever anything I can do for you just ask. It is an honor to know you.